I received the dreaded phone call. "We have a major roof leak at the office,” was the message. Rushing to work, I arrived to find buckets catching water from the ceiling.
What do we really value? Many times we choose to cherish the things that we are measured by in this world. We value things like EBIDA, wealth, or status. While these things may be important, they should not be our greatest desire.
It was quite disappointing. I could sense frustration and even a bit of hurt in his voice.He had gone beyond expectations to connect, perform and lead on an important long-term project.
They were gathered at a leadership strategy offsite to face a very difficult challenge. They wanted to define, clarify and pursue their purpose as leaders.
In a recent coaching session we were discussing her leadership and discovered an area in which she wanted to improve. As we talked, she displayed an engaging openness to listen and to learn.
We were hot, tired and on a bus. One of those double decker buses where you hop on and hop off to see the sights. I was in no mood for a tour or sight seeing.
I'll admit that it is my pet peeve. But the difference was so obvious. We arrived at a B & B after an intense week of work and long day of travel and were ready for a little down time.