She paused by our retaining wall as I was slowly passing by. That's when I saw it. Something long (about 5 feet), round and black came off of the wall toward my wife.
We all would like to think that we are the leader who puts others first and who cares about her team. However, the truth of our character comes out in times of crises…
Once again I am reminded that leadership is a verb. It begins with a sincere care for others. It is most powerful when driven by inspiration and not obligation.
Instead of making this moment about him he chose to make it about them. This is what he told them: "When I look in the mirror I will see each of you. I am merely a reflection of you. You are my mirror."
If you happened to sign in to our first Webinar you heard me talking about Leading Above The Line. I was talking to a hidden camera on my computer screen.
This high charging couple with enormous leadership roles and responsibilities knew how to slow down from the demands and false urgencies of their professional lives to find purpose.
It is just as important to feel heard, as it is to "feel right". In other words, when we truly listen we say to that person "you are valuable enough for me to hear you".
Being comfortable is not the end goal of an authentic and healthy relationship. Struggling together, learning more about each other, and working to make one another better are the key ingredients to success.
It is easy to attack a situation with "guns blazing" in an effort to quickly solve the dilemma.Most of the time this results in a shortsighted solution.
I was talking with an executive about her 6-year-old daughter. Recently her little girl wrote a note to her that warmed her heart. The note simply said, "I can see your love Mommy."
Most effective leaders understand the importance of asking hard questions. Such is the case of the seasoned executive that I was talking with recently.
It was a dilemma. The team needed leadership but there was just no one to fill the role. Several months ago, I was in a coaching session with the executive who had to solve this leadership problem.