"You’re doing what?" I asked with disbelief. I was talking to an executive and couldn't believe what I was hearing. He had just gotten back from a grueling trip across the country.
I'd like to introduce you to Dodge. Years ago Dodge was diagnosed with Aspergers. While I walk with leaders from across the world, there is none that I admire and respect more than this young leader.
We hear a lot about what’s wrong with the new brand of leaders that are coming from the millennial generation, but what about the things they get right?
There was one thing different about this strategic meeting. The leadership team was not strategizing about a new product or process; they were talking about failure.
Today in Texas, there are no divisions of race, religion or political parties. There are only people who are hurting and others who are helping. We can't control natural disasters but there is something that we all can do.
There is no ‘cookie cutter’ generic answer for this issue. While each situation is unique, there are principles that apply to all young or even more experienced leaders.