The Drive-By Dive

We have driven by it hundreds of times. It's just a local dive with a small sign out front. Not wanting to fight the crowds on a Friday night, we decided to take a chance on the little hidden restaurant. What we found was a wonderful surprise. The servers were friendly and helpful, the food was fresh and delicious. We now have a different perspective every time we drive by that place. 

I wonder how many times I over look things and people that are right under my nose? In my busyness of life, how do I allow my pace to steal hidden treasures? The sunrise, the sunset, a deep conversation with a friend or taking the time to read a good book. What about our work environment? What are we missing? The team member who can enrich our lives, the ability to authentically care about those we lead, taking the time to create a culture of trust. 

Those things or people who are easy to overlook or to drive by without a thought, hold treasures. It is all about perspective and priorities. For me, it's about allowing myself to operate from a slower pace at times and to invest in those around me. 

Choose to risk slowing down and experiencing the opportunities that surround us everyday and you will make a difference! 
