Take Advantage of Corporate Coaching to Motivate Your Team

Take Advantage of Corporate Coaching to Motivate Your Team

Coaching is becoming the buzz word these days as more and more executives are taking advantage of corporate coaching and understanding the value it brings.  For an executive, CEO coaching helps to raise their awareness, learn what is holding them back from advancement, improve their self-confidence, and become more effective with communicating, just to name a few advantages.

Because the experience of executive coaching has been so rewarding and enlightening, executives are beginning to offer it to their employees as a fringe benefit. 

Research from Henley Business School found that individual and team coaching are the top leadership and development tools for business and that 83% of organizations intend to make use of coaching, with external coaches preferred.

If executives are using coaches as a fringe benefit, how could an external corporate coach play a role in motivating employees? The internal corporate coach already knows the company’s vision, mission and strategies. 


Here are some advantages of using External Corporate Coaching to motivate your team:

  1. Listen.  The coaching relationship is about trust. The coach acts as an independent listener and sounding board and the employee is more open to share information personally and professionally knowing this is a confidential relationship.
  2. Empower.  By working with a corporate coach, the employee can align their goals with the company’s goals and be held accountable by the coach to reach their goals.
  3. Uniqueness.  We know each employee is unique and is motivated in a different way, the corporate coach is trained to identify that uniqueness, learn what drives the employee, and can customize a plan along with the individual.
  4. Feedback to Management.  The corporate coach is able to give relevant feedback to the organization on what is working and what is not working for the employee.  Furthermore, the employee feels that they are being heard and that their point of view adds value.
  5. Enhanced Leadership Skills.  By working with a corporate coach to motivate your employee, their leadership skills will be stretched to learn and understand others and communicate more effectively.
  6. Self-Awareness.  The employee will be challenged by their coach to understand themselves on a deeper level and how their natural tendencies play a role in leading others in the organization.
  7. Challenge.  By working with a coach, the high performance individuals will be challenged and held accountable for becoming a better leader. 
  8. Support.  The coach becomes a  supporter for the employee, which motivates the employee to push forward when times are tough, personally or professionally. 
  9. Behavior.  The coach is able to address derailing behavior and challenges the employee to change, motivating the employee to become self-aware.

By giving your team the benefit of corporate coaching, your team will outpace your competition due to insights learned, confidence gained, improved communication, and stretched thinking.

Start benefiting your team today by enrolling in our corporate coaching course. You'll gain access to 8 modules to help you identify your personality, overcome conflict, and develop a personalized leadership plan. Get started today and make a difference tomorrow!