Hearts & Minds

Hearts & Minds

It seemed a little strange, coming from this seasoned executive with an international corporation. You would expect his language to contain strategic words and phrases like "ROI", "results driven metrics", "alignment of goals" and the like. Instead, when I inquired about what a division within the company needed to do to become successful, he said, "they need to establish milestones that will capture the hearts and minds of their team". As I thought about this wise leader's comments, I realized that he had articulated a gap area for many leaders in organizations of all sizes. 
I wonder how many leaders give a thought as to how to capture the hearts and minds of their people. However, our teams cannot function at the highest level unless they understand the why behind the tasks we ask them to accomplish. When we lead without considering the hearts of our people, we reduce them to apathetic taskmasters. When we do not motivate their minds, we relegate our team into robot-like “yes-men” or “yes-women”. The result will be a loss of efficiency, innovation, and, ultimately, productivity.
On a personal note, how much time do we spend trying to capture the hearts and minds of those we love? Often I find myself slipping into the minefield of assumption and low investment. I assume that those within my circle of influence will continue to execute at a high level and therefore I don't invest in the relationship at an appropriate and needed level. Whether personal or professional the result is the same…damaged relationships. 
When we choose to take the time and energy to capture the hearts and minds of those we lead, we will make a difference! 

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